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last data update: 06.07.2022 07:10:23

The Domain is hosted in United States and is using openresty/ as serversoftware.

Keywords of the webseite

Riverside International, auto, autos, F Sheff, fsheff, sheff, oil, oils, Frank Sheffield, MG, TD, B, MGB, Air Force, Little Rock, LRAFB, HP Photo Smart, PhotoSmart, Unser, Jim Hunt, James Brown, Robert Munns, Bob Munns, Mamie Van Doren, VanDoren, James Dean, My Friend‘s Love Affair, Hollywood movie, fun, Miss USA, 50s, 60s, historic, history, nostalgia, nostalgia, Southern California, road racing, motor sports, motorsports, raceway, racetracks, racetrack, race track, race track photos, race tracks, program covers, cars, car, racecars, Chevy, Vega, GT, Morris Minor 1000, Ontario Motor Speedway, OMS, RIR, Riverside International, Willow Springs, Palm, Torrey Pines, Carlsbad, Holtville, HAIR, H.A.I.R., Playas de Tijuana, TJ, Sebring, Pomona, Santa Barbara, Long Beach, Mamie Van Doren, Stirling Moss, Richard Boone, Mario Andretti, Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, Rick Mears, Dickie Smothers, Peter Deuel, SCCA, CART, F-1, Formula One, Formula 5000, F-5000, Xoloitzquintli, Xolo, Shih Tzu, Indian Ringneck Parakeet, Mexican Hairless, Glacier Park, Monument Valley, Mexico, México, Vermillion Cliffs, Grand, Canyon, Prix, Yosemite, Animal Companions URLs that are no longer valid: NOTE: Road Runner, who have hosted




Latitude 30.1438
Longtitude -81.5401
Country United States

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General domaininformations

First seen 06.07.2022 07:04:51
Reg-Created 01.01.1978
Reg-Expire 01.01.1978 (more)
Serversoftware openresty/ (more)
external Links on landingpage 0
Description Frank Sheffield‘s web site offers job, life, and auto racing stories, some with pictures, race track motor sports emphasized.
Keywords Riverside International, auto, autos, F Sheff, fsheff, sheff, oil, oils, Frank Sheffield, MG, TD, B, MGB, Air Force, Little Rock, LRAFB, HP Photo Smart, PhotoSmart, Unser, Jim Hunt, James Brown, Robert Munns, Bob Munns, Mamie Van Doren, VanDoren, James Dean, My Friend‘s Love Affair, Hollywood movie, fun, Miss USA, 50s, 60s, historic, history, nostalgia, nostalgia, Southern California, road racing, motor sports, motorsports, raceway, racetracks, racetrack, race track, race track photos, race tracks, program covers, cars, car, racecars, Chevy, Vega, GT, Morris Minor 1000, Ontario Motor Speedway, OMS, RIR, Riverside International, Willow Springs, Palm, Torrey Pines, Carlsbad, Holtville, HAIR, H.A.I.R., Playas de Tijuana, TJ, Sebring, Pomona, Santa Barbara, Long Beach, Mamie Van Doren, Stirling Moss, Richard Boone, Mario Andretti, Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, Rick Mears, Dickie Smothers, Peter Deuel, SCCA, CART, F-1, Formula One, Formula 5000, F-5000, Xoloitzquintli, Xolo, Shih Tzu, Indian Ringneck Parakeet, Mexican Hairless, Glacier Park, Monument Valley, Mexico, México, Vermillion Cliffs, Grand, Canyon, Prix, Yosemite, Animal Companions URLs that are no longer valid: NOTE: Road Runner, who have hosted
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Content-Length 68511
Content-Type text/html
Last-Modified Tue, 04 Oct 2022 22:32:47 GMT
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last update 06.07.2022 07:10:23
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