getHPinfo - what's that site running?

Home IP-Whois similar lookup

last data update: 15.02.2023 23:04:03

The Domain is hosted in Germany and is using Microsoft-IIS/10.0 as serversoftware.

Keywords of the webseite

.Net, .NET 6, .NET 6 Preview 1, .NET Core, .net micro framework, Active Directory, Ajax, Angular, Angular 5, Angular 4, Apps, Arduino, ASP.NET, ASP.NET 4.5, ASP.NET 6 Preview 1, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core 2.1, ASP.NET Core 6, ASP.NET Core 6 Preview 1, ASP.NET MVC, Azure, Blend, Blog, BlogEngine.NET, Bootstrap, C#, WPF, C++, Calender, CAML, CSS, CSS3, Dataservices, DAX, Debug, Design, devices, EDGE, EntityFramework, Exchange, Expression Web, GitHub, gRPC, HTML, Hyper-V, iCal-Datei, IIS (Internet Information Service), InfoPath, Internet Explorer, JavaScript, JQuery, JScript, Konferenzen, LightSwitch, LinQ, Live Meshes, micro services, Microservices, Microsoft 365, Microsoft BI, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Teams, Modellgesteuerte Apps, MS Flow, MS Planner, MS Teams, MS Word, Office, Office365, Offline, Outlook, Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, Power Pages, Power Query, Power Virtual Agents, PowerAutomate, PowerBI, PowerShell, Prometric, Proto, Proto3, regular expression, Reporting Services (SSRS), Responsive, RPC, SEO, Service Layer, Sharepoint, SharePoint Designer, SharePoint Online, Sicherheit, Silverlight, Silverlight 2, Skripting, SQL, SQL Server, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2019, streaming, Surface, System Center, System Center Configuration Manager 2012, System Center Data Protection Manager, System Center Operations Manager, System Center Virtual Maschine Manager, Team Foundation Server, Tools, Twitter, TypeScript, Unit Testing, UWP, VB, Veranstaltungen, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, WCF, Web, Webapp, WebMatrix, Webservices, Windows, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 8.1, Windows 9, Windows Server, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, WinRT, Wissensmanagement, WUP, Xamarin, XAML, XML, Zertifizierung




Latitude 51.2993
Longtitude 9.4910
Country Germany

General domaininformations

First seen 08.09.2021 09:04:07
Reg-Created 01.01.1978
Reg-Expire 01.01.1978 (more)
Serversoftware Microsoft-IIS/10.0 (more)
external Links on landingpage 6
Description Neue und brandaktuelle IT-Lösungen, Praxisbeispiele und Erklärungen von Ihren ppedv Trainern im kostenlosen Blog., ppedv Team Blog - Insights from the oracle - Insights from the oracle
Keywords .Net, .NET 6, .NET 6 Preview 1, .NET Core, .net micro framework, Active Directory, Ajax, Angular, Angular 5, Angular 4, Apps, Arduino, ASP.NET, ASP.NET 4.5, ASP.NET 6 Preview 1, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core 2.1, ASP.NET Core 6, ASP.NET Core 6 Preview 1, ASP.NET MVC, Azure, Blend, Blog, BlogEngine.NET, Bootstrap, C#, WPF, C++, Calender, CAML, CSS, CSS3, Dataservices, DAX, Debug, Design, devices, EDGE, EntityFramework, Exchange, Expression Web, GitHub, gRPC, HTML, Hyper-V, iCal-Datei, IIS (Internet Information Service), InfoPath, Internet Explorer, JavaScript, JQuery, JScript, Konferenzen, LightSwitch, LinQ, Live Meshes, micro services, Microservices, Microsoft 365, Microsoft BI, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Teams, Modellgesteuerte Apps, MS Flow, MS Planner, MS Teams, MS Word, Office, Office365, Offline, Outlook, Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, Power Pages, Power Query, Power Virtual Agents, PowerAutomate, PowerBI, PowerShell, Prometric, Proto, Proto3, regular expression, Reporting Services (SSRS), Responsive, RPC, SEO, Service Layer, Sharepoint, SharePoint Designer, SharePoint Online, Sicherheit, Silverlight, Silverlight 2, Skripting, SQL, SQL Server, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2019, streaming, Surface, System Center, System Center Configuration Manager 2012, System Center Data Protection Manager, System Center Operations Manager, System Center Virtual Maschine Manager, Team Foundation Server, Tools, Twitter, TypeScript, Unit Testing, UWP, VB, Veranstaltungen, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, WCF, Web, Webapp, WebMatrix, Webservices, Windows, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 8.1, Windows 9, Windows Server, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, WinRT, Wissensmanagement, WUP, Xamarin, XAML, XML, Zertifizierung
IP-Adresses (more) (DE)


Cache-Control private
Server Microsoft-IIS/10.0
Content-Length 44645
Content-Type text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Script-Type text/javascript
Content-Style-Type text/css
X-Meta-Author ppedv
X-Meta-Medium medium_type
X-Powered-By ASP.NET


Rootdomain-DNS-Server (more) (more)


last update 15.02.2023 23:04:03
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