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last data update: 12.02.2022 13:08:23

The Domain is hosted in United States and is using Apache as serversoftware.

Keywords of the webseite

knowledge, knowledge Management, The New Knowledge Management, The Open Enterprise, Enterprise Information Portals, EIP, Enterprise Knowledge Portals, EKP, distributed knowledge management systems, dkms, knowledge audit, The Knowledge Life Cycle, knowledge claim evaluation, knowledge claim formulation, knowledgebase, Unified Theory of Knowledge, object models, data warehousing, knowledge discovery in databases, kdd, eis, dss, decision support systems, decision support, object-oriented data warehousing, data mart, application servers, organizational learning, distributed data marts, data warehouse, architected data marts, business process reengineering, decision support life cycle, data modeling, fair comparison, fair comparison validation criteria, analytic hierarchy process, statistical models, neural networks, backpropagation, decision tree analysis, bayesian belief networks, graphical belief models, fuzzy logic, adaptive fuzzy systems, fuzzy cognitive maps, cognitive maps, knowledge maps, semantic networks, genetic algorithms, olap, rolap, molap, holap, dkm architecture, etl, measurement modeling, measurement, dimensional modeling, fasmi, causal modeling, knowledge modeling, rolap server, molap server, on-line analytical processing, relational olap, multidimensional olap, organizational learning, complex adaptive systems,




Latitude 37.7510
Longtitude -97.8220
Country United States

General domaininformations

First seen 09.02.2022 10:30:00
Reg-Created ..
Reg-Expire .. (more)
Serversoftware Apache (more)
external Links on landingpage 0
Description The leading provider of Distributed Knowledge Management Systems (DKMS), Consulting Services, and Training
Keywords knowledge, knowledge Management, The New Knowledge Management, The Open Enterprise, Enterprise Information Portals, EIP, Enterprise Knowledge Portals, EKP, distributed knowledge management systems, dkms, knowledge audit, The Knowledge Life Cycle, knowledge claim evaluation, knowledge claim formulation, knowledgebase, Unified Theory of Knowledge, object models, data warehousing, knowledge discovery in databases, kdd, eis, dss, decision support systems, decision support, object-oriented data warehousing, data mart, application servers, organizational learning, distributed data marts, data warehouse, architected data marts, business process reengineering, decision support life cycle, data modeling, fair comparison, fair comparison validation criteria, analytic hierarchy process, statistical models, neural networks, backpropagation, decision tree analysis, bayesian belief networks, graphical belief models, fuzzy logic, adaptive fuzzy systems, fuzzy cognitive maps, cognitive maps, knowledge maps, semantic networks, genetic algorithms, olap, rolap, molap, holap, dkm architecture, etl, measurement modeling, measurement, dimensional modeling, fasmi, causal modeling, knowledge modeling, rolap server, molap server, on-line analytical processing, relational olap, multidimensional olap, organizational learning, complex adaptive systems,
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last update 12.02.2022 13:08:23
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