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How did look in the past via
First seen | 27.05.2022 23:36:23 | |
Reg-Created | 01.01.1978 | |
Reg-Expire | 01.01.1978 | |
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Root-Domain | (more) | |
Serversoftware | nginx (more) | |
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Description | Lawn CONTACT: Bigger Sprout, releases 15 July 2022 1. Down 2. Medicine Forever 3. Running My Luck 4. Night Life 5. Sweet 6. Prefect 7. Familiar Back in 2016, we put out our first release ever - 3 songs quietly written over an informal period of time that came to be collectively known as BIG SPROUT. Mac and I were about 21 or 22 years old when we first started getting together with our buddy Nick Corson to jam these out. I don't know if any of us can recall exactly what these songs were about; we mainly just wanted to play in a band and drink beer while avoiding as much responsibility as possible. It was an appropriate time to do so, even if our approach to life was emblematic of the anxieties we did not want to ultimately acknowledge. Last April, we went into the studio with our buddy Ross Farbe to quickly record four new songs before my daughter's due date a month later. Aptly named "Bigger Sprout", these songs are the culmination of years of heavy drinking, partying, disassociation, jadedness, political discussions, and constant talks about moving somewhere else. But unlike some of the things we talked about in our last two records, the driving force behind these songs was embracing change and new surroundings as a positive part of adulthood. This is not to say we've forced ourselves to grow up; on the contrary, we are still big idiots. But it is to admit that settling into calmer environments has helped us cope with the idea of change. Change is (sometimes) good. Included in "Bigger Sprout" - which features Hunter Keene on drums - are the three songs that constitute "BIG SPROUT". While the main catalyst to combine these 7 songs into one record was to give "BIG SPROUT" the physical release it never received, there was the idea that the dichotomies in mood, tone, lyrical content, and intention would provide heavy contrast between both releases albeit reinforcing the idea that we are the same band. And that is fine. So, thank you for listening and we hope you enjoy it. We hope to see you on the road soon. -Rui from Lawn. | |
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last update | 27.05.2022 23:40:29 | |
Illegal data? | Report illegal data >HERE< | | dissociates itself from any content on the website The content is the sole responsibility of the operator. has no influence on the content of only shows publicly freely accessible data here. |
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