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last data update: 03.01.2022 07:56:05

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Keywords of the webseite

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Latitude 1.3667
Longtitude 103.8000
Country Singapore

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General domaininformations

First seen 24.08.2019 17:11:00
Reg-Created 21.12.2009
Reg-Expire 21.12.2023 (more)
Serversoftware Apache (more)
external Links on landingpage 25
Description Value Investing, Momentum Investing of Singapore REITs, Singapore Stocks and US Stocks. By Kenny Loh
Keywords kenny loh, singapore stocks, us stocks, stocks investing, shares investing, shares market, singapore blog, sharejunction, shareinvestor, sgx, singapore exchange, strait times index, sti, s-chip, singapore stocks forum, mojostock, singapore finance news, singapore business news, asian stocks, singapore stock blog, the pattern trader, singapore reits, s-reits, s reits, reits course, reits screener, reit screener, reit, course, etf, investing in reits, investing in singapore reits, how to invest in reits, how to invest in singapore reits, retail reits, data center reits, industrial reits, office reits, healthcare reits, hospitality reits, aims apac reit, ara hospitality trust, ascendas reit, ascott trust, bhg retail reit, ara logos logistic trust, capitaland integrated commercial trust, capitaland retail china trust, cdl hospitality trust, Cromwell european reit, eagle hospitality trust, ec world reit, elite commercial reit, esr reit, far east hospitality trust, first reit, frasers centrepoint trust, frasers logistics and commercial trust, ireit global, keppel pacific oak reit, keppel dc reit, data center reits, keppel reit, lendlease reit, lippo malls trust, manulife reit, mapletree commercial trust, mapletree logistics trust, mapletree industrial trust, mapletree north asia commercial trust, our commercial reit, parkwaylife reit, prime us reit, sabana reit, sasseur reit, soilbuild business reit, sphreit, starhill global reit, suntec reit, united Hampshire reit, gearing ratio, leverage ratio
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last update 03.01.2022 07:56:05
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