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Description WELCOME TO THE LAUGHING HORSES ORIFICE HEADQUARTERS NEW WORLD ORDER PUBIC LIBRARY FRONT DESK 1. Path of Enlil (Northern Stars/Constellations) 1) ĸ. APIN -- Triangulum (at least) 2) ĸ. Å ú-gi, Å¡Ä“bu (senex) -- Perseus (a) (kà kkabu níbÅ« Å¡a ĸ. Å úgi -- α or β Persei) (b) (kakkabāni ummulÅ«tum Å¡a Å ugi (the dim stars of Perseus -- group of small stars in East Perseus) (c) (ĸ. Nasrapu - most probably ε Persei, (or group composed of μ, λ etc.) 3) ĸ. GÁM, Gamlu (ritual vessel, ‘weapon of Marduk‘) -- Auriga 4) ĸ. MaÅ¡-tab-ba gal-gal, Tu‘āme rabÅ«ti -- most of Gemini, or simply α and β Geminorum 5) ĸ. MaÅ¡-tab-ba tur-tur, Tu‘āmÄ“ sihrÅ«ti -- λ and ζ (?) Geminorum 6) ĸ. AL-LUL Å ittu (?) -- Cancer, exclusive of β which belongs to ĸ. Siru, the serpent constellation 7) ĸ. Ur-gu-la (the great dog) -- NÄ“Å¡u (lion) -- Leo (a) (kakkabÄ“ Å¡a kakkad ĸ. Ur-gu-la -- (the two stars of the lion‘s head) -- ε and μ Leonis) (b) (kakkabu IV Å¡a irti-Å¡u -- the 4th star of his breast -- γ Leonis) (c) (ĸ. Lugal (ĸ. Å¡arru) -- king -- Regulus) (d) (kakkabu II Å¡a rapaÅ¡ti-Å¡u -- the 2nd star of his hips -- δ Leonis) (e) (kakkabu edu Å¡a zibbati-Å¡u -- the single star of his tail -- β Leonis) 8) ĸ. A-EDIN, Eru -- Virgo West (Coma Berenices ?) 9) ĸ. HEN-GAL-A-A, Hegalai, nuhÅ¡u -- abundance -- Coma Berenices 10.(a)) ĸ. Å U-PA, kakkabu namru -- the shining star - Arcturus (α Boötes), at times probably the entire southern part of Boötes 10.(b)) ĸ. Å udun -- yoke -- also Arcturus (a) (ĸ. Å udun-anÅ¡u -- the (forward) yoke of the ass -- η Bootis (+ neighbouring stars) (b) (ĸ. Å udun-anÅ¡u arkitu -- the rear yoke of the ass - ε Bootis (very probably also ξ, Ï€ and ζ Bootis) 11 (a)) ĸ. BAL-UR-A kakkab baltum -- Corona Borealis 11 (b)) (also) ĸ. GAM-tu -- kippatu -- Corona Borealis 12) ĸ. Mar-gid-da, sumbu -- wain -- Ursa Major (a) (ĸ. LUL-A, ĸ. Ka-a, ĸ. Å elibu, -- fox star -- Ä¡ (Alkor) above ζ Ursae Majoris) (b) ĸ. γ, kakkabu Å¡a ina pani (put) Margidda izzazu -- the star which stands before η (?) Ursae Majoris 13) ĸ. MU-GID-SAR-DA, niru Å¡a Å¡amÄ“ -- yoke of heaven -- Draco 14) ĸ. Mar-gid-da-an-na - wain of heaven - Ursa Minor 15) ĸ. AN-DU-BA-MEÅ (an-gub-ba-meÅ¡) šú-ut E-kur -- Serpens 16) ĸ. AN-KU-A-MEÅ (an-dur-a-meÅ¡) šú-ut E-kur -- Ophiuchus - Southern portion of Ophiuchus is named ĸ. il Za-mà -mà 17) ĸ. Ur-ku (Lik-ku ?) -- kalbu -- dog -- Hercules (a) (MAÅ -a-ti (ĸ. Aha-a-ti) -- star of the side -- (γ +) β Herculis) (b) (ĸ. Ur-ka-a-ti -- ζ Herculis) (c) (kakkabu edu -- the single star -- μ Herculis) 18) ĸ. Uza -- she-goat -- Lyra (also ĸ. GaÅ¡an-din, ĸ. BÄ“lit balāti) (a) (kakkabu nibÅ« Å¡a ĸ. Uza -- α Lyrae (b) (the two stars behind him (sukal il Ba-u, i.e., α Lyrae) -- probably η and θ Lyrae) 19) ĸ. UD-KA-GAB-A (Ud-da-dÅ­-a) -- Panther -- Cygnus + Pegasus + α Andromedae (a) (Kumaru Å¡a ĸ. Ud-ka-dÅ­-a -- δ Cygni) (b) (Kakkabu nibÅ« Å¡a irti-Å¡u -- α Cygni) (c) (Kinsu Å¡a ĸ. Ud-ka-dÅ­-a -- η Pegasi) (d) (Asidu Å¡a Ud-ka-dÅ­-a -- α Andromedae) 20) ĸ. Å AH (Å¡ahu) il Da-mu -- very probably Delphinus 21) ĸ. SisÅ« -- horse -- very probably Equuleus 22) ĸ. Lulim -- at least Andromeda 2. Path of Anu (Middle of ‘Equatorial‘ Stars/Constellations) 1) ĸ. Å im-mah (Å inunutum -- kakkab imbari) -- the swallow and storm constellation -- West Aquarius (α, β, χ, ε and ν) 2) ĸ. DIL-GAN, ĸ. Iku -- constellation which in various periods had different extent - four forms to be distinguished: 1) Aries (= Hired Labourer) + Cetus + East Aquarius, 2) Aries (= Hired Labourer) + Cetus - East Aquarius - GU-LA, 3) Cetus + East Aquarius - Aries KU-MAL, 4) Cetus - Aries KU-MAL / East Aquarius GU-LA 3) ĸ. AnÅ«nitÅ«, ĸ. nār Dillat (Tigris constellation), ĸ. Tultum (worm constellation) the SW portion of Pisces plus the ‘band‘ ω-ζ Piscium 4) ĸ. avÄ“l KU-MAL -- Agru, the hired labourer - Aries 5) ĸ. MUL-MUL, ĸ. Sappa -- Pleiades + ζ or ο Persei 6) giÅ¡ ĸ. Li-e -- tablet (of fate), ĸ. Gú-an-na, tiara of Anu -- Aldebaran plus Hyades 7) ĸ. Sib-zi-an-na -- faithful shepherd of heaven - Orion 8) ĸ. MaÅ¡-tab-ba Å¡a ina mihrit ĸ. Sibzianna -- the twins who stand opposite Orion -- γ and ξ Geminorum 9) ĸ. Dar-lugal -- canis minor or Procyon (α) alone 10) ĸ. Kak-si-di, kakkab miÅ¡rÄ“ -- bow star -- Sirius plus a star in Southern Canis Major (ε or η) 11) ĸ. Ban, ĸ. KaÅ¡tu -- Bow-star -- ε, δ, Ï„ Canis Majoris plus χ, l, Puppis 12) ĸ. MuÅ¡, ĸ. Siru -- snake -- Hydra + β Cancri 13) ĸ. U-NAG-GA hu, BÁD-GA, Ú-ga, Aribu -- raven -- Corvus - and part of Crater 14) ĸ. AB-SIM -- East Virgo (also Spica (α Virginis) alone) 15) ĸ. Zi-ba-an-na, Zibānitu, scale: karān ĸ. Akrabi -- horn (claw) of the scorpion -- Libra 16) ĸ il Za-mà -mà -- Southern portion of AN-KU-A-MEÅ -- Ophiuchus 17) ĸ. ID hu, ĸ. NaÅ¡ru -- eagle -- Aquila 18) ĸ. avel BAD (mitu, pagru) death-constellation -- very probably Antinoos 3. Path of Ea (Southern Stars/Constellations) 1) ĸ. HA (ĸ. NÅ«nu) ĸ. HA (NÅ«nu) il E-a -- fish, fish of Ea -- Piscis Austrinus, more exactly its Southern portion plus Formalhaut 2 (a)) ĸ. NUN ĸı (Eridu) il E-a -- Eridu, city of Ea -- Vela plus Southern Puppis 2 (b)) (with this (see 2a above) are wholly or partially identified (α) ĸ. MU-GID-a-ab-ba -- ĸ. Å udun a-ab-ba -- yoke of the ocean (of Ea)) (β) ĸ. BIR, il Ni-ru il E-a, yoke of Ea 3) ĸ. Nin-mah -- Very probably Carina East 4) ĸ. En-te-na -- maÅ¡-Å¡ig, -- Centaurus exclusive of NE section (cf. UR-BE) 5) ĸ.giÅ¡ GAN-UR (GUÅ UR), maÅ¡kakatu, -- Crux 6) il PA and il Lugal -- the two stars behind MaÅ¡kakatu - β and α Centauri 7) ĸ. NU-MUÅ -DA -- NamaÅ¡Å¡u -- group of stars between -- β Sagittarii - α Phoenicis (ref. Indus + Grus) Â
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