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First seen | 20.04.2022 14:45:00 | |
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Description | movie reviews from award-winning teen film critic, Child Animator Perry Chen is making an animation film "Changyou‘s Journey" about his dad Dr. Changyou Chen who passed away from terminal cancer at age 49. | |
Keywords | family movies, perry chen, perry\‘s previews, perrys previews, movie reviews, youngest film critic, youngest radio talk show host, entertainment, starfish rating, perrific, G-rated films, PG-rated films, G-rated movies, PG-rated movies, child prodigy, young entrepreneur, speaker, artist, animator, award-winning film critic, TEDx, CBS, NPR, Variety, perry chen, child animator, comic-con, changyou\‘s journey, zhu shen, donation, animation film, amazing kids, animation, animation short, animation world network, bill plympton, cancer patients, cancer research, cancer survivors, cctv, changyou chen, child movie critic, children\‘s animation, children\‘s movies, film sponsorship, gibh, hefei lifeon,, ingrid pitt: beyond the forest, pacific san diego, perrys previews, sabpa, san diego jewish world, san diego press club, starfish rating, toon boom, ut san diego, wacom, wuxi apptec, youngest animator, å人ä¸ç, æ²ç«¹, é彬ç¿, éæå, perry\‘s previews, 2018 annie awards, live stream, 2018 annie awards live stream, ucla royce hall, 2017 oscar-nominated animation shorts review, piper, pear cider and cigarettes, borrowed time, pearl, bland vaysha, pixar, 2017 annie awards, 2017 oscar animated shorts director interviews, 2017 oscar predictions, 2017 oscar-nominated animation shorts, 2017 oscar-nominated films, alan barillaro, andrew coats, blind vaysha, cara speller, david elsenmann, lou hamou-lhadj, patrick osborne, piper short film, robert valley, techno stypes, teen critic, theodore ushev, tuna bora, trolls movie review, dreamworks animation, anna kendrick, cartoon saloon, dreamworks shrek, dreamworks trolls, how to train your dragon, justin timberlake, kung-fu panda, laika animation, russell brand, studio ghibli, zooey deschanel, excellence in journalism awards, 2016 san diego press club excellence in journalism awards, indecent theatre review, kung fu panda 3 review, terry williams | |
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last update | 20.04.2022 14:50:09 | |
Illegal data? | Report illegal data >HERE< | | dissociates itself from any content on the website The content is the sole responsibility of the operator. has no influence on the content of only shows publicly freely accessible data here. |
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