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ਪੰਜਾਬੀ, Shahmukhi, Western Punjabi, #Punjabi, #پنجابی , Punjabi Forum, Pakistani Punjabi, Punjabi font, Punjabi VehRa, urdu font, punjabi keyboard, punjabi keyboard layout, pakistani punjabi keyboard layout, shahmukhi keyboard, pakistani punjabi keyboard, pothohari font, pothwari font, kashmiri font, siraiki font, punjabi alphabet, pakistan, panjabi, nasal, lateral, sound, ar noon, dialect, language, Archive, Panjabi, shahmukhi, Forum, Poetry, Akhaan, Pronunciation, Alphabet, Learn Shahmukhi Punjabi, transliteration, script, font, punjabi, Pakistan, india, Indian subcontinent, south asia, south astian languages, punjab, mother language, mother tongue, linguistic diversity, folk, art, literature, theater, music, theatre, traditional, linguistic rights, asia, culture, heritage, shahmukhi, gurmukhi, devanagari, siraiki, seraiki, punjabi language origin, bulleh shah, bulha shah, punjabi discussion, pakistani lok music, baba farid, punjabi language poetry, punjab mela, download, punjabi folk song , heer, Pakistani, punjabi, punjabi poets, shahmukhi urdu, mian mohammad bakhsh, heer ranjha, heer waris shah, punjab sufi poets, standard dialect of punjabi, pakistani folk expressions, sufi, sufis of punjab, ghalib, punjabi corpus, punjabi lexicon, punjabi transliteration, siraiki transliteration, font development, nastalique, nastaleeq, urdu font, Which is spoken mainly in India and Pakistan, kashmiri font, script processing, punjabi font, pakistani font, language processing, script conversion.Proverb Riddle, shahmukhi font, پنجابی, پاکستانی پنجابی, پنجابی زبان, اکھان, محاورے, بات, اکھوت, پنجابی پہیلی, پنجابی شاعری, پنجابی ویہڑا, پنجاب, لام, نون, اڑنون, شاہ مکھی, زبان, بولی, پنجابی, زبان پنجابی, , , پنجابی فورم, پنجابی ویہڑا, جذباتی مڑھنگا , , شاعری, بجھارتیں , پهلیاں, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ , पंजाबी ,




Latitude 37.7697
Longtitude -122.3933
Country United States

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First seen 11.01.2021 19:28:17
Reg-Created 15.10.2009
Reg-Expire 15.10.2022 (more)
Serversoftware Apache (more)
external Links on landingpage 0
Description Details of the Shahmukhi (Western Punjabi) scripts and language, Literature, History, which is spoken mainly in India and Pakistan.
Keywords ਪੰਜਾਬੀ, Shahmukhi, Western Punjabi, #Punjabi, #پنجابی , Punjabi Forum, Pakistani Punjabi, Punjabi font, Punjabi VehRa, urdu font, punjabi keyboard, punjabi keyboard layout, pakistani punjabi keyboard layout, shahmukhi keyboard, pakistani punjabi keyboard, pothohari font, pothwari font, kashmiri font, siraiki font, punjabi alphabet, pakistan, panjabi, nasal, lateral, sound, ar noon, dialect, language, Archive, Panjabi, shahmukhi, Forum, Poetry, Akhaan, Pronunciation, Alphabet, Learn Shahmukhi Punjabi, transliteration, script, font, punjabi, Pakistan, india, Indian subcontinent, south asia, south astian languages, punjab, mother language, mother tongue, linguistic diversity, folk, art, literature, theater, music, theatre, traditional, linguistic rights, asia, culture, heritage, shahmukhi, gurmukhi, devanagari, siraiki, seraiki, punjabi language origin, bulleh shah, bulha shah, punjabi discussion, pakistani lok music, baba farid, punjabi language poetry, punjab mela, download, punjabi folk song , heer, Pakistani, punjabi, punjabi poets, shahmukhi urdu, mian mohammad bakhsh, heer ranjha, heer waris shah, punjab sufi poets, standard dialect of punjabi, pakistani folk expressions, sufi, sufis of punjab, ghalib, punjabi corpus, punjabi lexicon, punjabi transliteration, siraiki transliteration, font development, nastalique, nastaleeq, urdu font, Which is spoken mainly in India and Pakistan, kashmiri font, script processing, punjabi font, pakistani font, language processing, script conversion.Proverb Riddle, shahmukhi font, پنجابی, پاکستانی پنجابی, پنجابی زبان, اکھان, محاورے, بات, اکھوت, پنجابی پہیلی, پنجابی شاعری, پنجابی ویہڑا, پنجاب, لام, نون, اڑنون, شاہ مکھی, زبان, بولی, پنجابی, زبان پنجابی, , , پنجابی فورم, پنجابی ویہڑا, جذباتی مڑھنگا , , شاعری, بجھارتیں , پهلیاں, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ , पंजाबी ,
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last update 23.10.2021 18:12:11
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