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Latitude | 51.2993 | |
Longtitude | 9.4910 | |
Country | Germany |
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First seen | 01.09.2022 01:45:00 | |
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Serversoftware | Apache/2 (more) | |
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Description | This site, under the ownership of Radio London Ltd, is dedicated to Radio London (Big L), the Big L Fab 40 charts, 60s Offshore Radio and Music. | |
Keywords | radio london aka big l, radio london (aka big l), radio london, radio london ltd, trade marks of Radio london ltd, bigl, big l deejays, big l DJs, big l DJ, radio london deejays, radio london DJs, big l, big l fab 40, fab 40, fab forty, big l Fab 40, fabulous forty, fabulous 40, big l fabulous forty, big l fabulous 40, trademarks of Radio london ltd, Big L fab forty, Fab at 40, merchandise, mediumwave, 266, 208, 242, 199, 539, lpam, remastering, broadcast consultancy, audio tape rescue, recording services, hospital radio, community radio, pirate radio, watery wireless, pirate bbc essex, Big L sweatshirts, Big L teeshirts, custom interface design, fab forties, fab 40 chart, big l fab 40 chart, big l fab forty chart, curzon street, fredericia, jimmy smith, Tony Thorpe, Tony Crombie, alan hardy, Alan Field, Field‘s Fab 40, Field‘s Fab Forty, ross revenge, bunsen burner, abbey road, ITLAPD, International Talk like a pirate day, radio luxembourg, bryan vaughan, kenny and cash, kenny everett, cuddly ken, brian wilson, reliving the sixties, oldies project, radio london store, big l fab 40 updates, radio city, radio essex, oceaan 7, 242, klif, charlie and harrigan, dateline diamonds, craise finton kirk, john kerr, sixties, 60s, anorak, knees club, beatles, mel howard, howie castle, mini-memories, scrapbook, aylesbury, chesterfield gardens, stoke mandeville, radlon sales, scrapbook, rainbow ffolly, Caroline north, caroline south, ship‘s exact position, history of offshore radio, radio scotland, isle of man, charts, jim murphy, model ships, map of ships and forts in the thames estuary, radio london tee-shirts, radio london tee shirts, big l tee shirts, biglil, sonowaltz, final hour, reunion, USS density reunion, offshore radio, offshore radio reunion, RNI, Otway, John Otway, Otway the Movie, March of 100 Otways, premiere, Leicester square, Chuck Blair, Tony Blackburn, Pete Brady, Tony Brandon, Dave Cash, Ian Damon, Chris Denning, Dave Dennis, Pete Drummond, John Edward, Kenny Everett, Graham Gill, Graeme Gill, Bill Hearne, Duncan Johnson, Paul Kaye, Lorne King, Mike Lennox, John Peel, Earl Richmond, Mark Roman, John Sedd, Keith Skues, Ed Stewart, Norman St John, Tommy Vance, Richard Warner, Willy Walker, Alan West, Tony Windsor, John York, Brian Matthew, Ron O‘Quinn, Mi Amigo, Galaxy, Density, Bud Ballou, George Saunders, Yeoman Rose, Peter Young, Ben Healy, Johnnie Walker, Roger Day, Larry Dean, Errol Bruce, Bob Stewart, Steve Young, Keefers, Mike Hayes, Ian MacRae, Ray Glennister, Mike Ahern, Rosko, Mike Quinn, KLIF, PAMS, DLT, John Ross-Barnard, Tony Currie, Dave Rogers, Keith West, Ian Davidson, Pete MacFarlane, Ben Toney, Don Pierson, Tom Danaher, Dave Williams, Wingert, Rick Phillips, Richard Erven Philbrook, radio Caroline, caroline countdown, caroline sure shot, Steve Young, offshore, scrapbook, history of offshore radio, Graham Webb, Gordy Cruse, Nick Bailey, Mick Luvzit, Ronan O‘Rahilly, model ships, model radio ships, The Boat That Rocked, LV18, harwich, forty years ago, kees brinkerink, numitz museum, texas, radio london sweatshirts, radio london teeshirts, chris payne, mary payne, beatles, sgt pepper‘s, Isle of Man, Ramsey Bay, Peel, Ben Toney, Don Pierson, Grey Pierson, Tom Danaher, offshore reunion, red lion, Amsterdam Radio Day, hans knot, martin van der ven, Offshore 50 Anniversary, Sixties Pirate Radio, Seesenders, North Sea, Piratensender, Marine Offences Act, Pirate BBC Essex, August 14th 1967, North Sea, ships, Mi Amigo, Fredericia, Caroline 199, Radio London Big L, 266, Radio England/Britain Radio, Radio Essex, Radio City, Radio Sutch, King Radio, Radio 390, Radio Scotland 242, Radio 270, Radio 355, Offshore 50 teeshirts | |
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last update | 01.09.2022 01:50:08 | |
Illegal data? | Report illegal data >HERE< | | dissociates itself from any content on the website The content is the sole responsibility of the operator. has no influence on the content of only shows publicly freely accessible data here. |
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