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last data update: 25.09.2022 12:44:24

The Domain is hosted in United States and is using ATS as serversoftware.

Keywords of the webseite

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Latitude 39.0481
Longtitude -77.4728
Country United States

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First seen 11.02.2020 17:28:48
Reg-Created 28.01.2003
Reg-Expire 28.01.2023 (more)
Serversoftware ATS (more)
external Links on landingpage 24
Description A collection of text and image resources accessed daily by thousands of users world-wide. The Poetry and Quotations collections have been on-line since January, 1994. Maintained by Steve Spanoudis with a little help from my friends. All resources are provided advertising free. All scripted content is (C) S.L. Spanoudis and
Keywords republic, dreams, mettle, explorers, defender, ethos, wanderers, scattered, winds, exander, ariadne, admete, solon, theron, elisavet, metro, sounio, sounion, poem, poetry, verse, sonnet, couplet, rhyme, rhythm, meter, blank verse, hymn, lyric, narrative, monologue, dialogue, descriptive, ode, poem, poems, poet, poets, poet‘s, poetry, verse, sonnet, images, photos, pictures, photographs, scans, film, digital, color, lack and white, sepia, film, camera, scan, scanner, drawing, painting, rendering, computer-generated, art, 3-D, beauty, beautiful, scene, scenery, landscape, seascape, portrait, garden, forest, america, asia, europe, israel, singapore, china, trinidad, malaysia, england, britain, london, ohio, kentucky, florida, california, utah, caribbean, greece, greek, athens, poros, hydra, aegina, delphi, mycenae, germany, text, quote, quotes, quotations, quips, jokes, humor, aphorism, aphora, sarcasm, prose, verse, wisdom, insults, complaints, idioms, advice, leaders, proverbs, malapropisms, laws, definitions, alphabetical, topic, category, subject, author, speaker, leaders, women, african american, black, books, movies, theater, theatre, plays, newspapers, tv, television, radio, reports, critics, criticism, stories, novels, advertising, spanoudi, spanoudis, trivia, trivial, quiz, question, answer, SAT, ACT, PSAT, miller, lachelt, blair, college bowl, jeopardy, weakest link, trivial pursuit, game, hide and seek, lost and found, i spy, children, family, friends
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last update 25.09.2022 12:44:24
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