getHPinfo - what's that site running?
The Domain is hosted in Switzerland and is using nginx/1.20.1 as serversoftware.
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Geo-Informations | ||
Latitude | 46.2324 | |
Longtitude | 6.0502 | |
Country | Switzerland |
First seen | 09.02.2022 10:30:00 | |
Reg-Created | .. | |
Reg-Expire | .. | |
Root-Domain | (more) | |
Serversoftware | nginx/1.20.1 (more) | |
external Links on landingpage | 0 | |
Description | The increase in the occurrences of disasters and the high numbers of victims of conflicts are urgent issues that require effective and rapid action. Satellite imagery analysis can cover large areas and provide accurate information in near real time. The ability of national and regional authorities to seamlessly collect, integrate, analyze geospatial information in a comprehensible and easy to use format is key to strengthen disaster and climate resilience, support humanitarian action and support sustainable development policies. Our mission is to promote evidence-based decision making for peace, security and resilience using geo-spatial information technologies. We provide United Nations funds, programmes and specialized agencies with satellite analysis, training and capacity development, at their request. We also support Member States with satellite imagery analysis over their respective territories, and provide training and capacity development in the use of geospatial information technologies | |
Keywords | this site has no keywords | |
IP-Adresses | (more) (FR) | |
Headerinformations | ||
DNS-Informations | ||
Rootdomain-DNS-Server | (more) (more) (more) | |
Miscellaneous | ||
last update | 14.02.2022 09:31:57 | |
Illegal data? | Report illegal data >HERE< | | dissociates itself from any content on the website The content is the sole responsibility of the operator. has no influence on the content of only shows publicly freely accessible data here. |
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