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last data update: 30.04.2022 10:44:11

The Domain is hosted in United States and is using Microsoft-IIS/10.0 as serversoftware.

Keywords of the webseite

James and Linda Young, James Young, James D. Young II, Linda M. Young, Linda M. Lanzi, Bandit, Willow, Bandit and Willow, Willow and Bandit, Leia, Leia and Bandit, Bandit and Leia, family photographs, James Young, Beverly Young, Candace Young, Nicki Young, Sabra Young, Remember WENN, Rupert Holmes, John Bedford Lloyd, John Bedford-Lloyd, Amanda Naughton, Kevin O‘Rourke, Margaret Hall, George Hall, Melinda Mullins, Christopher Murney, Dina Spybey, Carolee Carmello, Tom Beckett, Hugh O‘Gorman, David Pursley, C.J. Byrnes, CJ Byrnes, Bob Dorian, AMC, American Movie Classics, Lassie, Timmy and Lassie, Jeff‘s Collie, Tommy Rettig, Tom Rettig, Jan Clayton, George Cleveland, Donald Keeler, Jon Provost, Jon Shepodd, Cloris Leachman, Hugh Reilly, June Lockhart, Andy Clyde, Robert Bray, Clyde Howdy, Jed Allan, Jack DeMave, Jack Demave, Larry Pennell, Ron Hayes, Larry Wilcox, Skip Burton, Pamelyn Ferdin, Sherry Boucher, Christopher Stone, Dee Wallace Stone, Dee Wallace, Will Nipper, Wendy Cox, Corey Sevier, Susie Almgren, CBS, Animal Planet, Flambards, Edward Judd, Christine McKenna, Alan Parnaby, Steven Grives, Anton Diffring, Peter Settelen, Carol Leader, Gallegher, Roger Mobley, Edmond O‘Brien, Harvey Korman, Anne Francis, Ask the Manager, Joe Dimino, Dana Hersey, Dan Berkerey, Stu Tauber, Stuart Tauber, Cliff Allen, The Waltons, Waltons, Richard Thomas, Ralph Waite, Michael Learned, Will Geer, Ellen Corby, Jon Wamsley, Eric Scott, David W. Harper, David Harper, Judy Norton, Judy Norton Taylor, Judy Norton-Taylor, Mary McDonough, Mary Elizabeth McDonough, Mary Beth McDonough, Kami Cotler, Lynn Hamilton, John Ritter, Mariclare Costello, From the Earth to the Moon, Tim Daly, Ted Levine




Latitude 40.0548
Longtitude -75.4083
Country United States

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General domaininformations

First seen 23.10.2019 14:00:24
Reg-Created 26.11.2000
Reg-Expire 26.11.2023 (more)
Serversoftware Microsoft-IIS/10.0 (more)
external Links on landingpage 10
Description Welcome! Family doings and photos, Linda‘s televison sites, including Remember WENN, Lassie, and The Good Life, seasonal sites, Linda‘s nostalgia pages
Keywords James and Linda Young, James Young, James D. Young II, Linda M. Young, Linda M. Lanzi, Bandit, Willow, Bandit and Willow, Willow and Bandit, Leia, Leia and Bandit, Bandit and Leia, family photographs, James Young, Beverly Young, Candace Young, Nicki Young, Sabra Young, Remember WENN, Rupert Holmes, John Bedford Lloyd, John Bedford-Lloyd, Amanda Naughton, Kevin O‘Rourke, Margaret Hall, George Hall, Melinda Mullins, Christopher Murney, Dina Spybey, Carolee Carmello, Tom Beckett, Hugh O‘Gorman, David Pursley, C.J. Byrnes, CJ Byrnes, Bob Dorian, AMC, American Movie Classics, Lassie, Timmy and Lassie, Jeff‘s Collie, Tommy Rettig, Tom Rettig, Jan Clayton, George Cleveland, Donald Keeler, Jon Provost, Jon Shepodd, Cloris Leachman, Hugh Reilly, June Lockhart, Andy Clyde, Robert Bray, Clyde Howdy, Jed Allan, Jack DeMave, Jack Demave, Larry Pennell, Ron Hayes, Larry Wilcox, Skip Burton, Pamelyn Ferdin, Sherry Boucher, Christopher Stone, Dee Wallace Stone, Dee Wallace, Will Nipper, Wendy Cox, Corey Sevier, Susie Almgren, CBS, Animal Planet, Flambards, Edward Judd, Christine McKenna, Alan Parnaby, Steven Grives, Anton Diffring, Peter Settelen, Carol Leader, Gallegher, Roger Mobley, Edmond O‘Brien, Harvey Korman, Anne Francis, Ask the Manager, Joe Dimino, Dana Hersey, Dan Berkerey, Stu Tauber, Stuart Tauber, Cliff Allen, The Waltons, Waltons, Richard Thomas, Ralph Waite, Michael Learned, Will Geer, Ellen Corby, Jon Wamsley, Eric Scott, David W. Harper, David Harper, Judy Norton, Judy Norton Taylor, Judy Norton-Taylor, Mary McDonough, Mary Elizabeth McDonough, Mary Beth McDonough, Kami Cotler, Lynn Hamilton, John Ritter, Mariclare Costello, From the Earth to the Moon, Tim Daly, Ted Levine
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Accept-Ranges bytes
Server Microsoft-IIS/10.0
Content-Length 4579
Content-Type text/html
Last-Modified Mon, 28 Feb 2022 18:25:27 GMT
X-Meta-Author Linda M. Young
X-Meta-Copyright Â©1996-2021 Linda M. Young
X-Meta-Generator HTML Assistant Pro 3
X-Powered-By ASP.NET


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last update 30.04.2022 10:44:11
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