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last data update: 19.07.2022 11:44:14

The Domain is hosted in Austria and is using Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) as serversoftware.

Keywords of the webseite

Papyrus, software, development, ACM, BPM, ERP, CRM, inbound, outbound, CCM, AFP, AFPDS, IPDS, Xerox, Metacode, PCL, PCL4, PCL5, fonts, forms, forms design, WYSIWYG, PSF, OGL, PPFA, document, document management, business document, document automation, TIFF, fax, PDF, business document automation and management, bdam, Postscript, print, printer, printing, charts, tables, formatting, statements, statement formatting, archive, Intranet, distribute, bundling, billing, bills, capture, improx, ocr, frameworks, ipdt, asf, scitex, anacomp, topcall, campaigns, inbound, outbound, correspondence, distribution, objects, oms, Business process management and outsourcing, Claims correspondence software, Consolidated financial statement, Content management software, Customer Correspondence software, Customer communication management software, Document archiving, Document disaster recovery, Document library automation, Document management software, Document workflow automation, EBPP, e-forms, Electronic bill presentment, Financial services document automation software solutions, Financial services forms processing, Health care benefits, group booklets, post enrollment kit, provider directory, Information management, LOMA, ACORD, Insurance billing, Insurance claims processing document automation, Insurance software, Insurance, Insurance forms processing, Insurance policy issuance, Insurance policy production, Integrated document management, Investment reporting software, iPPS, ISO Forms, MGA, bill payment, Personal financial statement, PPS, Utility billing software, Web based document management




Latitude 47.9167
Longtitude 16.1667
Country Austria

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General domaininformations

First seen 31.12.2019 18:12:02
Reg-Created 28.02.1996
Reg-Expire 01.03.2023 (more)
Serversoftware Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) (more)
external Links on landingpage 8
Description Papyrus Software offers a consolidated, end-to-end solution for inbound and outbound customer communication and process management, based on standard software components and solution frameworks. Its business communication platform uses a repository to consolidate business data, rules, content, processes, tasks, activities and the GUI in a single case.
Keywords Papyrus, software, development, ACM, BPM, ERP, CRM, inbound, outbound, CCM, AFP, AFPDS, IPDS, Xerox, Metacode, PCL, PCL4, PCL5, fonts, forms, forms design, WYSIWYG, PSF, OGL, PPFA, document, document management, business document, document automation, TIFF, fax, PDF, business document automation and management, bdam, Postscript, print, printer, printing, charts, tables, formatting, statements, statement formatting, archive, Intranet, distribute, bundling, billing, bills, capture, improx, ocr, frameworks, ipdt, asf, scitex, anacomp, topcall, campaigns, inbound, outbound, correspondence, distribution, objects, oms, Business process management and outsourcing, Claims correspondence software, Consolidated financial statement, Content management software, Customer Correspondence software, Customer communication management software, Document archiving, Document disaster recovery, Document library automation, Document management software, Document workflow automation, EBPP, e-forms, Electronic bill presentment, Financial services document automation software solutions, Financial services forms processing, Health care benefits, group booklets, post enrollment kit, provider directory, Information management, LOMA, ACORD, Insurance billing, Insurance claims processing document automation, Insurance software, Insurance, Insurance forms processing, Insurance policy issuance, Insurance policy production, Integrated document management, Investment reporting software, iPPS, ISO Forms, MGA, bill payment, Personal financial statement, PPS, Utility billing software, Web based document management
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last update 19.07.2022 11:44:14
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