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last data update: 18.06.2022 21:50:04

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Keywords of the webseite

Katie Bryan, KT Bryan, Katherine Bryan, Love, laugh, bark, books, movies, the banana wars, Sophie and Max, Sophie and Jack, Sophia Zinelli, Italian, Funny books, Dog books for adults, Funny dog books, Multicultural, contemporary, women‘s fiction, small town, rural, urban, Atlanta, small town stories, small town books, small town and rural, family life, big Italian Family, KT, KT Bryan, Katie Bryan, Katie, Bryan, novelist, author, action, adventure, suspense, romance, romantic suspense, EDGE, the edge series, SEAL, SEALs, special forces, Katie Bryan, special ops, sexy, drug cartel, mafia boss, mob boss, TEAM EDGE, supermodel, forensics, scary books, funny books with dogs, CIA, assassin, DEA, FBI, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Admiral, Army, Commander, Lieutenant, books, reviews, Humor, comedy romance, romantic comedy, rich hero, millionaire hero, secret baby book, funny pets, funny dogs, love story, love story with military hero, strong heroines, thriller, romantic thriller, The EDGE of Trust, The EDGE Of Honor, romance novels, romance novels with pets, funny romance novels, humorous books, dancing dog, conga dancing dog, Peoria High school, Dell books, Putnam, Penguin, Avon books, Atlanta Georgia, Atlanta Georgia novelist, Atlanta author, Romance Writers Of America, Georgia Romance Writers, Kiss Of Death, Daphne award winner, Rita award Winner, Edgar Award, USA Today bestseller, bestseller, bestselling author, Amazon bestseller, Amazon bestselling author, humorous romance, romance novel, funny romance novel, humorous romance novel, comedy romance book, comedy book, romantic comedy book list, romantic suspense book list, Goodreads, contemporary romantic suspense books, contemporary romantic comedy book, Nora Roberts, Sophie Kinsella, Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones, Loving Logan, Irish, Christmas story, all romance books, ebooks, paperback books, sweet romance, spicy romance, sexy romance, sweet romance, tender romance, woof series, you had me at woof, the woof books, dog stories, cat stories, german shepherd, golden retriever, Tilly, Max, Buttercup, dogs, cats, humor, second chance at love, chick lit, romantic comedy, humor, funny dog fiction, italian and irish fiction, clean and wholesome fiction, American Humorous Fiction, The WOOF Books series Women‘s Humorous Fiction, Funny dog fiction, General Humorous Fiction, Women‘s Romance Fiction, Amazon, Kindle, Barnes and Noble, Nook, Kobo, draft2digital




Latitude 45.8696
Longtitude -119.6880
Country United States

General domaininformations

First seen 18.06.2022 21:44:05
Reg-Created 01.01.1978
Reg-Expire 01.01.1978 (more)
Serversoftware unknown serversoftware (more)
external Links on landingpage 0
Description Action, adventure, suspense author of THE EDGE novels. Romantic comedy author of The Love, Laugh, Bark series. Screenwriter.
Keywords Katie Bryan, KT Bryan, Katherine Bryan, Love, laugh, bark, books, movies, the banana wars, Sophie and Max, Sophie and Jack, Sophia Zinelli, Italian, Funny books, Dog books for adults, Funny dog books, Multicultural, contemporary, women‘s fiction, small town, rural, urban, Atlanta, small town stories, small town books, small town and rural, family life, big Italian Family, KT, KT Bryan, Katie Bryan, Katie, Bryan, novelist, author, action, adventure, suspense, romance, romantic suspense, EDGE, the edge series, SEAL, SEALs, special forces, Katie Bryan, special ops, sexy, drug cartel, mafia boss, mob boss, TEAM EDGE, supermodel, forensics, scary books, funny books with dogs, CIA, assassin, DEA, FBI, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Admiral, Army, Commander, Lieutenant, books, reviews, Humor, comedy romance, romantic comedy, rich hero, millionaire hero, secret baby book, funny pets, funny dogs, love story, love story with military hero, strong heroines, thriller, romantic thriller, The EDGE of Trust, The EDGE Of Honor, romance novels, romance novels with pets, funny romance novels, humorous books, dancing dog, conga dancing dog, Peoria High school, Dell books, Putnam, Penguin, Avon books, Atlanta Georgia, Atlanta Georgia novelist, Atlanta author, Romance Writers Of America, Georgia Romance Writers, Kiss Of Death, Daphne award winner, Rita award Winner, Edgar Award, USA Today bestseller, bestseller, bestselling author, Amazon bestseller, Amazon bestselling author, humorous romance, romance novel, funny romance novel, humorous romance novel, comedy romance book, comedy book, romantic comedy book list, romantic suspense book list, Goodreads, contemporary romantic suspense books, contemporary romantic comedy book, Nora Roberts, Sophie Kinsella, Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones, Loving Logan, Irish, Christmas story, all romance books, ebooks, paperback books, sweet romance, spicy romance, sexy romance, sweet romance, tender romance, woof series, you had me at woof, the woof books, dog stories, cat stories, german shepherd, golden retriever, Tilly, Max, Buttercup, dogs, cats, humor, second chance at love, chick lit, romantic comedy, humor, funny dog fiction, italian and irish fiction, clean and wholesome fiction, American Humorous Fiction, The WOOF Books series Women‘s Humorous Fiction, Funny dog fiction, General Humorous Fiction, Women‘s Romance Fiction, Amazon, Kindle, Barnes and Noble, Nook, Kobo, draft2digital
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