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last data update: 18.10.2022 05:08:23

The Domain is hosted in Switzerland and is using nginx as serversoftware.

Keywords of the webseite

filter fabric, filter cloth, filter media, filtration media, filter mesh, fabric filters, woven filter, woven filter fabric, woven filter cloth, screen printing, screen filter, screen printing mesh, serigrafia, serigraphie, mesh screen, Sefar, Switzerland, Group, precision fabrics, customer-tailored, fabric solutions, filtration solution, separating, coating, dosing, mesh, industrial process, industrial filter, filter components, screen printing, architectural, Architecture, smart fabrics, dry filtration, drying, filter components, healthcare, liquid filtration, solid filtration, screening, filter fabric, filter fabrics, filtration fabric, filtration fabrics, precision textile, sieve fabrics, sieve, filter media, filtration fabrics, filtration media, woven filter, woven filters, precision textiles, sieve fabric, sieve fabrics, screen printing mesh, serigraphie, serigrafia, filtration, printing, mesh, fabrics, cake filtration, technical fabrics, synthetic fabrics, screening, filter, separation, precision textiles, antistatic, micro-screening, stencil, equipment, printing screen, screen printing application, milling, drying, aquaculture, blood filter, infusion, test strips, medical, components, membrane, dust removal, process, belt filter, disc, fluid bed, rotary drum, centrifuge, filter tubes, filter elements, automotive filter, acoustic filter, membrane filter, water filter, filter press cloth, disc filter, leaf filter, membrane cells, fuel cells, silk gauze, silk bolting cloth




Latitude 47.4239
Longtitude 9.3748
Country Switzerland

General domaininformations

First seen 23.02.2020 22:16:25
Reg-Created 06.02.1997
Reg-Expire 07.02.2027 (more)
Serversoftware nginx (more)
external Links on landingpage 39
Description Sefar AG: filter fabric, filter media, filtration media, screen printing, screen printing mesh, leading manufacturer of precision fabrics for customer-tailored solutions for separating, coating and dosing in industrial processes, filter components, screen printing and architectural applications.
Keywords filter fabric, filter cloth, filter media, filtration media, filter mesh, fabric filters, woven filter, woven filter fabric, woven filter cloth, screen printing, screen filter, screen printing mesh, serigrafia, serigraphie, mesh screen, Sefar, Switzerland, Group, precision fabrics, customer-tailored, fabric solutions, filtration solution, separating, coating, dosing, mesh, industrial process, industrial filter, filter components, screen printing, architectural, Architecture, smart fabrics, dry filtration, drying, filter components, healthcare, liquid filtration, solid filtration, screening, filter fabric, filter fabrics, filtration fabric, filtration fabrics, precision textile, sieve fabrics, sieve, filter media, filtration fabrics, filtration media, woven filter, woven filters, precision textiles, sieve fabric, sieve fabrics, screen printing mesh, serigraphie, serigrafia, filtration, printing, mesh, fabrics, cake filtration, technical fabrics, synthetic fabrics, screening, filter, separation, precision textiles, antistatic, micro-screening, stencil, equipment, printing screen, screen printing application, milling, drying, aquaculture, blood filter, infusion, test strips, medical, components, membrane, dust removal, process, belt filter, disc, fluid bed, rotary drum, centrifuge, filter tubes, filter elements, automotive filter, acoustic filter, membrane filter, water filter, filter press cloth, disc filter, leaf filter, membrane cells, fuel cells, silk gauze, silk bolting cloth
IP-Adresses (more) (CH)


Cache-Control private, no-cache, must-revalidate
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Server nginx
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8
Expires Fri, 07 Apr 2023 11:53:50 GMT
Last-Modified Fri, 07 Apr 2023 11:53:50 GMT
X-Meta-Abstract filter fabric, filtration fabrics, screen printing, screen printing mesh
X-Meta-Author Sefar AG 9410 Heiden
X-Meta-Page-Topic filter fabric & filter media & filtration media, fabric filters, woven filter, screen printing, screen printing mesh
X-Meta-Robots index, follow
X-Meta-Viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0
X-PC3-Control cache
X-PC3-Time 1680868430


Rootdomain-DNS-Server (more) (more)


last update 18.10.2022 05:08:23
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