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last data update: 13.09.2022 20:56:06

The Domain is hosted in United States and is using Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) as serversoftware.

Keywords of the webseite

entrepreneurship , entrepreneurship courses, entrepreneurship for students, Job Creation, high quality Job Creation, exponential job growth, large-scale new jobs, Entrepreneurship, Startups, Entrepreneurship Education, SMEs, hyper growth for SMEs, hyper growth for Small businesses, Small businesses, SME coaches, SME consultants, SME customers, SME capital providers, AI-enabled Wadhwani Advantage Technology Platform, SME Mentoring and Counselling, Startup Mentoring and Counselling, entrepreneur Mentoring and Counselling, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship faculty, entrepreneurship colleges, intrapreneurship, students with entrepreneurial mindset & skills, Accelerator, Scalerator, Incubator, Skills Development, Employability Skills, Vocational Education, VTIs, VTPs, ITIs, Skills Universities, Vocational placements, vocational career, Employability, Sectorial Employability Skills, Job Role Skills, Job productivity, Hiring talent, Retaining talent, Training talent, Skilling in high schools, skilling in technical institutes, skilling for employers, Market Focused Impact Fund, Technology for Startup growth, Technology for SME growth, Technology for entrepreneur growth, Skills, Romesh Wadhwani, Ajay Kela, AI-enabled mobile platform, Courses and Startup Labs to create high-potential startups, Inspiring, educating, and enabling Startup entrepreneurs, accelerating economic development in emerging economies, AI for social good, social good, philanthropy, silicon valley entrepreneur Romesh Wadhwani, philanthropist Romesh Wadhwani, global not for profit, faculty development, skilling faculty, experiential pedagogy, blended learning, Wadhwani digital products, city-based entrepreneurial ecosystems




Latitude 38.9248
Longtitude -94.6379
Country United States

General domaininformations

First seen 04.02.2020 15:20:14
Reg-Created 05.08.2015
Reg-Expire 05.08.2024 (more)
Serversoftware Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) (more)
external Links on landingpage 23
Description Wadhwani Foundation is a not-for-profit with the primary mission of accelerating economic development by driving job creation
Keywords entrepreneurship , entrepreneurship courses, entrepreneurship for students, Job Creation, high quality Job Creation, exponential job growth, large-scale new jobs, Entrepreneurship, Startups, Entrepreneurship Education, SMEs, hyper growth for SMEs, hyper growth for Small businesses, Small businesses, SME coaches, SME consultants, SME customers, SME capital providers, AI-enabled Wadhwani Advantage Technology Platform, SME Mentoring and Counselling, Startup Mentoring and Counselling, entrepreneur Mentoring and Counselling, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship faculty, entrepreneurship colleges, intrapreneurship, students with entrepreneurial mindset & skills, Accelerator, Scalerator, Incubator, Skills Development, Employability Skills, Vocational Education, VTIs, VTPs, ITIs, Skills Universities, Vocational placements, vocational career, Employability, Sectorial Employability Skills, Job Role Skills, Job productivity, Hiring talent, Retaining talent, Training talent, Skilling in high schools, skilling in technical institutes, skilling for employers, Market Focused Impact Fund, Technology for Startup growth, Technology for SME growth, Technology for entrepreneur growth, Skills, Romesh Wadhwani, Ajay Kela, AI-enabled mobile platform, Courses and Startup Labs to create high-potential startups, Inspiring, educating, and enabling Startup entrepreneurs, accelerating economic development in emerging economies, AI for social good, social good, philanthropy, silicon valley entrepreneur Romesh Wadhwani, philanthropist Romesh Wadhwani, global not for profit, faculty development, skilling faculty, experiential pedagogy, blended learning, Wadhwani digital products, city-based entrepreneurial ecosystems
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Server Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
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X-Meta-Generator WordPress 6.1.1, Site Kit by Google 1.96.0, Powered by WPBakery Page Builder - drag and drop page builder for WordPress.
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X-Meta-Twitter-Site @WadhwaniF
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X-Meta-Yandex-Verification e71bcd9fa3813a36


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last update 13.09.2022 20:56:06
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